Permanency Resources

Permanency Resources

Kids are Waiting--A project of the Pew Charitable Trusts
Kids are waiting is a website devoted to providing information and resources on achieving permanency for kids in foster care.  There is a particular emphasis on how to help the 26,000 kids who age out of foster care every year without a permanent adult connection in their life.

These are pages and articles of specific interest (well at least specific interest to me!):  The state-by-state map--click on your state or your state of interest and a fact sheet will be pull up describing how many foster kids are in care and then breaking that number:
  • age groups in care
  • permanency plan
  • how many kids are living in group homes or institutions
  • where they go when they leave foster care
If you are interested in the breakdown of number and race of kids in foster care by city, town or county go the the KIDS COUNT Data Center.  On the Kids are Waiting publications page there are a number of reports of interest with regards to permanency.